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It's All In The Name: 4 Steps To Creating The Perfect Name For Your Startup

by Barry Graves

You're finally going into business for yourself. You've taken care of everything – besides the name. Your startup is going to need a killer name. Before you sit down and consider all the names you could choose from, you should take the time to narrow the search. Here are four steps you should take to find the perfect name for your startup.

1. Do Some Research

Before you choose a name for your startup, make sure you do some research. There are millions of businesses in the world, and each one of them has a name. You want the name of your business to be unique and creative. To do that, you need to know the names of your competition.

2. Forget the Odd Spellings

When naming your new startup, steer clear of the odd spellings. While creatively spelling your business name is definitely unique, it's also a good way to drive customers away. When customers do an online search for your company, they need to be able to spell the name. If you've chosen an odd spelling, your potential customers aren't going to be able to find you. It's important to note that you should also make sure that the name you choose is easy to pronounce. The last thing you want is for your business name to be constantly mispronounced.

3. Provide Some Business Clues

An effective name should give customers a clue to the type of business you conduct. Stay away from catchy names that don't have anything to do with your startup and choose a name that tells prospective customers exactly what services you provide.

4. Pay Attention to the Initials

This is a big one. When you're considering a name for your business, take the time to write it out, especially if you're going with a multiple word name. Write the words next to each other and then in list form. Writing the name out in list form will allow you to catch embarrassing problems with the initials. For instance, a name like "assorted sign systems" looks good when the words are next to each other. However, you might not want to write it out in list form.

Now that it's time to name your startup, you want to make sure it's perfect. Use the tips provided here to create a killer name for your business. If you've wracked your brain, and you still can't come up with a name you like, be sure to speak to a company naming agency. They'll take the hard work out of naming your company. To learn more, contact a company like Articulated Brands
